The subject of tithing was written down on paper back in 1982 after I had some experiences with God on this matter.  These papers have been updated a couple of times since then.

One cannot learn from the scriptures unless the Holy Spirit gives understanding.  Jesus said freely you have received, freely give.  Therefore, you cannot put copyright on any understanding you get from God's word, no matter what argument you would like to use.  To me, copyright is of the world and not the Kingdom of God, therefore there is no copyright on this work.

There has been so much misunderstanding of tithing, mostly due, I believe, to many pastors who care more about money for their programs than they do about the body of Christ being taught the truth.  Shame on these man, but honour to the men who put truth before mammon.

Teaching tithing when you know it is not scriptural just to fill the church coffers is absolutely disgraceful.

It appears that most of Christendom walks in defeat.  Healing, as a general rule, does not happen and senior men in the churches seem to want more and more control over the money to finance their building programs and other ventures, instead of letting God's people use it where the scriptures demand, which is not in building programs.

I personally know a number of Pastors, who are my friends.  Only two of these Pastors do not believe in tithing.  The others do not want to know, or they are tied to denominational doctrine.  I let that speak for itself.

There is a great deal of controversy over the tithing law.  Some say it is law, some say not.  Should we tithe, or should we not tithe?  I write this article to try to show you what I believe God says about this issue.

Some years ago I had a physical experience with God over tithing.  My wife and I tithed and were very happy to give God what belonged to Him, for that was what we had been taught and I never studied or questioned that teaching.  During this period I was very sensitive to the Holy Spirit and had many physical encounters in a variety of ways with Him.  It was a very blessed time.

I was a new Christian and had not read through the Bible, but was in the process of doing this.  I found quite often, especially when I started to read a parable, that God gave me the whole understanding of what I was about to read before I read it, so when I started having physical experiences and much revelation on the tithing issue, I accepted what God said.  I was not bound by religion, praise be to Him.  Much of the following is what came from these encounters, so much of it is from the Holy Ghost.  After these experiences (which, by the way, were quite dramatic), I kept delving into the scriptures to sift fact from fiction.

Many of those who teach tithing say it was practiced before the law by Gods' people.  This is not true in the context to which they elude to.  It was practiced by other cultures in Abraham's time and was quite widespread in those cultures, as tithing to one-another for various reasons.  It was not practiced by the Israelites as a whole until God made it law, as we shall see, and it was not practised by the early church because Christ fulfilled the law at the cross. MATT 5:17

Is tithing scriptural?

Yes it is, but only for those under law.

The first time tithe is mentioned in scripture is GEN 14:18-20, the meeting of Abram and Melchizedek.  Melchizedek brought Abram to the thing that would change the world, the cross of Jesus Christ.  On one side of the cross was the law, (including tithing) and on the other side of the cross was the bread and wine, to remember His body broken for us, setting us free from bondage and law, and knowing our past sins have been washed away by His precious blood.  Our present sins are washed away as we continue to walk in the light (1 JOHN 1:7).  If you teach error for financial gain you are walking in the dark.

The people who advocate tithing say Abraham was a tither.  Bible scholars agree that Melchizedek gave a brief appearing and disappeared.  If Abram was a tither, who did he tithe to?  Once to Melchizedek, and then who?  Who did he tithe to before Melchizedek?  Did he tithe to two people?

There is no evidence whatsoever that Abram was a tither.  He only tithed once, from the loot that was not his.  He even disowned the loot and said it belonged to the King of Sodom.  GEN 14:22-23.

The loot in the OT Hebrew is called "GOODS", food and livestock are called "GOODS" and were used for bartering between each other as well as sustaining the family the "GOODS" belonged to.  There is never any mention that gold or silver were included in these "GOODS" that are spoken about here, so he only gave a tenth of something that was not his.  He never tithed from his own personal wealth, which was much.  Who was he to tithe to anyway?  There were no priests or anyone else who stood between him and God who could accept the tithe except on that one occasion.

So apart from that one occasion, it is obvious Abram did not tithe and in the preceding chapters 12 and 13, he was first a heathen and was told to get out of his country and was just getting to know God so how could he be a tither?  Abram belonged to one of the cultures (already mentioned) that tithed to one another so when he tithed that one time to Melchizedek it was a gift offering, it was not a continuous thing that he practiced.

The "Interpreters Dictionary of the Bible", an up to date, 5 volume bible dictionary, reads, quote:  "The tithe here is connected with booty gained in war, rather than with the produce of the land as elsewhere in scripture."  We will show that according to God's word, tithing was from the produce of the land and livestock only.

The second time tithing is mentioned in scripture is GEN 28:21-22 when Jacob made a deal with God and said, "If you clothe me, and feed me, and bring me back to my father's house, I will give you a tenth."

How was Jacob to tithe?  Who was he to tithe to?  As there were no priests at that time, the only thing he could have tithed were burnt offerings, and Christ, not tithing is the fulfillment of all burnt offerings.

It is to be noted that God did not ask for it, Jacob offered it, on certain conditions that God had to fulfil.  Jacob obviously was not a tither or he would not have said he would start tithing.  God accepted the deal and later called it a vow, which is what a promise is.

The third time tithing is mentioned is when God gave it as law for the Israelite people. LEV 27:30-32.  In verse 34 it states it is for the "children of Israel" that this commandment is for.

The Israelites as a people did not tithe before the law.  There is no evidence whatsoever in historical writings that suggest they did.  So if the people did not tithe how could it have been a practice before the law?

It never ceases to amaze me how deceptive men can get when they want all the money they can squeeze from people, not worrying about the hardship they put some people under in so doing.

It is stated in HEB 7:5 those who are of the sons of Levi who receive the priesthood have a commandment to take tithes from the people according to the law.  As we are all priests now 1PET 2:5, 2:9 and are not under law, it obviously cancels all the requirements of living under law and as the priests have a commandment to take tithes from the people according to the law, any proclaimed priest cannot take tithes from the people if they (the priests) are not under law and are not descended from Levi.  It also states at the beginning of 7:5 that it was only the sons of Levi who became priests who were eligible to take tithes.  As modern day church people are not the sons of Levi, they are not eligible to take tithes, even from those under law.

A priest makes or gives an offering to God, so we being priests give our own offering to God.  How do you give a physical offering to God?  The answer to this question, I would say, a lot of religious people will not like because it is not tithing if you are not under law.

In MATT 25:34 our Lord says "Come ye blessed of my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you, and He goes on to tell you what they did.  They fed the hungry, gave drink to the thirsty, took in a stranger, clothed people , etc.  In other words, they gave and helped the needy.  Then He says in V40, what you did for those you did for me.

So giving to the needy is giving to God.  But He doesn't leave it there.  From V41 to 43 He talks about those who did not give to Him by helping the needy and they went away to everlasting punishment.  If you give your money to the local church and do not give a reasonable amount to the needy, where does that leave you?

Something I wish to say here, in MATT 25:31 He comes in His glory and sets up His throne.  This is His second advent.  He judges the nations and puts the sheep on His right and the goats on His left.  He does not say Christians and non Christians because many so called Christians are not saved according to the scriptures.  I also wonder what will happen to the men who put people under law by making them tithe and then use the tithe (supposedly God's money) on buildings.

It is to be noted the saved were those who showed compassion and love to their fellow man and it is those people God deemed as worthy, not the ones who give everything to the local church and thereby are playing church when there are brothers and sisters needing help.

Is tithing law?  Yes it is.  HEB 7:5  LEV 27:30  NEH 12:44  All say it is law, so how can men say it is not law?  Men know we are not under law and will go to great lengths to show tithing is not law so that they can justify it, but God's word as shown says it is law.  Do they argue with God's word?  They say tithing was in before the law, well, as already shown, it was not practiced before the law as a requirement by God.

The only time tithing became a requirement from God was LEV 27:30 when the law was given to Moses.  The tithe was not something that was confirmed under the law, as tithing was not practiced before this.  It was made law by God for the Jewish people to practice.  LEV 27:34.  God did not confirm tithing, He gave it as law and it was only the sons of Levi who became priests that could receive the tithe as a God given requirement HEB 7:5.  You cannot add law to the Gospel of Christ.  A little leaven (law) leavens the whole lump.  The centrality of the cross for Christians must never be lost.

Men mean that tithing on your time, is working for God for one tenth of your time.  Do they mean a tenth of the hours you are awake?  If you are awake for 15 hours a day you would have to work for God 10 hours a week.  If you tithe on your working hours you would have to give God 4 hours work a week.  How ridiculous.  This is Phariseeism at its worst, putting loads on men's shoulders and putting them under law.  They are blind guides, and if you follow them you are blind too, the blind leading the blind.  You should give God 100% of your time whether at your work or at your leisure time.  Just being a true follower of Christ is doing that.

The tithe in the O.T. was a type of tax that supported the government of ancient Israel, and fed the needy.

I think at this stage something should be said about what a kingdom is.

Down through history, except for relatively modern times, a kingdom had a king over it and his word was law and everything and everybody belonged to that king.  He could have your head cut off for any reason he chose, even if it was just to stop the boredom.

Everything his subjects had belonged to the king as well as his subjects themselves.  By owning them the king owned their possessions.  So it is with Christ.  He is a King, and if you are a true follower of Christ, He owns you and everything you have.

1 COR 6:19 'you are not your own'.  6:20 'for you were bought at a price'.

1 COR 7:23 'you were bought at a price, do not become slaves of men'.

So you see, you are not your own any longer, you belong to Him and are owned by Him, and everything you possess is therefore owned by Him, including your money.  100% of it.

In contrast, LEV 27:30 says 'the tithe is the Lord's'.  That is 1/10 was God's.  After the cross 100% was His and we are to be good stewards with His money.

I will ask the question, if you have a house and a needy family of God came along and needed somewhere to stay for 3 or 4 months, would you bring them into your home?  Remember the house does not belong to you, it belongs to Jesus.  What was your answer?  To most it would be a soul searching time, especially if the family had some children.  Would you be worried that the children might damage some of your worldly belongings?

Now, how about a family that are heathen?  I ask the same question for them, what is your answer?  Read LEV 25:35-36.

Luke 10:30 to 37 talks about a stranger who needed help.  Now by chance a priest (Pastor) came along, saw him, and passed by on the opposite side of the road.  Then a Levite (church member) came along and did the same.  Finally a Samaritan (heathen person) came along, helped the stranger, gave him lodging and food.  Jesus said, 'go and do likewise'.

N.T. teaches stewardship, to give as God has prospered, willingly and generously, thankfully.  2COR 9:7

Nowhere in the N.T. is there any sense of obligation or legally imposed percentage put on people.

The prevailing emphasis in the N.T. is that we are good stewards of His money, and where we give it, and we will be called to give an account one day.

In these days deception in the local churches is widening.  Any church that teaches error, should not receive any of your money.  If you give to any of these ministries that teach error, you become partakers of their heresies.

Two things must precede the coming of our Lord: apostasy and the revealing of the Antichrist 2 COR 2:3.

In my opinion tithing for the body of Christ is moving away from God's word (heresy or apostasy).  It is not just the cults that are at the ends of the spectrum that are apostate.  Teaching heresy is falling away.  2 COR 2:3 mentions the heresy that will come before His return.

If God prospers you, and all you do is buy cattle stations, blocks of flats, houses, etc, you are not being a good steward of God's money.  What you are doing is what Luke 12:16-21 says, and that is building bigger and better barns for yourself, and that is being covetousness according to Luke 12.  Jesus said it is hard for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God.  For these people to give a hundred or two hundred dollars away to a brother, and think they have done wonders means they are living in a dreamland of deception, and mammon is ruling their lives instead of Christ ruling their lives.

An interesting thing is, many affluent people of God who do things their way are sick, little wonder.

The N.T. teaches that you give and help your brother in need, not give everything to the local church.  In the days of the apostles, any money given was for the needy brother.  It was not given for any other purpose.  Giving to the local church for use other than meeting peoples needs also is not scriptural.  That does not mean I am against giving to the local church.  My wife and I give to the local church as well as give to needy saints.  Interestingly enough, there were no local Christian church buildings for the first 300 years of Christianity.  I believe the local church should be supported but not at the expense of a brother in need.  Also remember the men who run ministries are not just the priests.  We are all kings and priests now 1 PET 2:5, 2:9.

Some people say that when you give your money to a person or an institution, it is not your responsibility how it is used.  Sorry, but it is your responsibility.  If the person or institution uses it incorrectly, you do not give it to them a second time to misuse again.

If you are deceived by someone, shame on them.  If you are deceived a second time, shame on you.

By giving a tenth consistently you are putting yourself under law, and the bible says anyone who keeps the law will be judged by the law.  Remember GAL 5:3 for whoever keeps the law is alienated from Christ, for us the law has been changed and we are under the "New Covenant Law"  HEB 7:11-16 reads "when there is a change of Priesthood there is also a change of the law."  Christ was not of the tribe of Levi and therefore when He became High Priest the law had to be changed.  So men will say tithing is not law because they know they could not justify tithing any other way, but we have shown you already tithing is law according to the scriptures.  HEB 7:5  LEV 27:30  NEH 12:44  and if you are under law, you are under a curse  GAL 3:10.  This is the word of God.  GAL 5:1 in the original Greek reads:  "For freedom to freedom Christ has set us free, do not again be entangled by a yoke of bondage."  GAL 5:22:  "The fruit of the Spirit is love".  There is the very nature of righteousness in the Gospel.  If you are led by the Spirit you are not under law.  Paying a set amount is not being led by the Spirit.

Tithing was brought in with the religious Jewish system, so you would be forgiven for thinking they should understand what the tithe was about.  The "TALMUD" which is the Jewish book of civil and ceremonial law, stipulated that everything used for food that was cultivated and grew from the earth was subject to the tithe (MA'AS 1.1) but no money was ever to be tithed on, and all through the O.T. the tithe is only on agricultural and livestock, even though they had money, gold and silver.

The reason that tithes were given according to the "Interpreters Dictionary of the Bible" is for an offering which acknowledges God's ownership of the soil and it's fruits for man to survive, including the needy and to support the government of the day (the Levites).

The Levites had no property and therefore could not produce food.  Therefore, their food was supplied by the other tribes in the form of a tithe but was not just for priests but for the whole tribe of Levi as well as the needy.

The tithe in the third year was not a separate tithe DEUT 14:28 says "The tithes of that years produce." Meaning the normal tithe of that year.  It was only that the tithe differed in that year, it was to be shared with the stranger, fatherless, and the widow during the next three years as well as the Levite.  If men put tithing on people why don't they share the third years tithe with all these people, as the scriptures demand when under the law of tithing?

God always wanted the stranger, fatherless and widows to be cared for and says in JAMES 1:27 that is pure and undefiled religion giving to these peoples, if you don't give to these peoples you have not got pure and undefiled religion.

Also, I would point out, the local church building is not God's house anymore as ministers say, we are God's house now.  1 COR 3:16, 3:17, 6:19, 2 COR 6:16,

EPH 2:21.  We carry the presence of God into the building and when He manifests His presence in a more powerful way as He sometimes does, its because we are there and its for our benefit.  To justify saying "bring the tithe into God's house" they have to say the building is God's house.  What an insult to Jesus.

Jesus spoke about God's house twice.  MATT 12:4, MATT 21:13 but the third time He called the temple "YOUR HOUSE", MATT 23:38, MATT 24:1.  He was speaking to the religious leaders and was preparing to go to the cross.  The rest of chapter 24 and chapters 25 and 26 deal with things concerning the end including the arrest of our Lord and the building, as God's house was finished and the transition from a building to a living temple or house (us) was in progress.  We are His house or dwelling place now, there is no other house on earth for God, but us.

In GAL 3:10 it says "if you are under law you are under a curse".  A curse from God means He takes His hand from you, it does not mean He puts some terrible affliction on you.  He can take His hand from you, but your business can still be profitable as many business' in the world are profitable, God's hand being taken from you does not necessarily mean you will not prosper, so a business can prosper whether you tithe or not.  But if you tithe, you can expect that you or a member of your family may get sick or get a spirit of infirmity upon them and they will not get healed.  Try giving tithing away and just give to the needy, etc, it may produce wonders.  Remember also that God being sovereign can and does heal even when you are a sinner.

A study of the scriptures in this paper will very quickly establish that the tithe was for feeding people in need, which included the tribe of Levi, not for building churches with plush carpets, air conditioning, and expensive furniture.  I'm not against these things, let them be built with offerings after a brother's needs are met.

All the money you give should be for people in need.

An interesting thing, in the scriptures, money was never included as something to be tithed on.  The tithe was only to come from the land, ie, grain, fruit, and livestock.  Not money, and money, gold and silver were owned during this period, but God did not require a tithe from their money.  It is man who does this, and some men go to great lengths and say you must give from your gross, and also give a tenth of your time.  These men should write a bible of their own, not distort the word of God.  But I feel sorry for these people for God is a God of Judgement as well as a God of Love.  they obviously do not really fear God.

Not only did God not require money to be tithed on, He would not allow or accept a tithe from money, in DEUT 14:22-26.  The tithe could be exchanged for silver (money) when a long trip had to be undertaken, and at the end of the trip food was purchased again.  Understand the silver ceased to be a tithe as it was not produce, and did not become a tithe.  God did not accept the silver as a tithe, it had to be exchanged back to produce before it became a tithe again.  God rejected money as a tithe.  You will also note as you read these verses that they had to eat the tithe themselves and give thanks to God and learn to fear Him.

If tithing was to feed the tribe of Levi, the Priest, the alien, the poor, and the widow, why do men say it is not food but money?  When God himself rejected the money as a tithe?  In DEUT 14:25 which you already have read, is it because they have not the faith to believe God, but find it easier to put a burden on mens' backs?

I say let them step out on the water and dare to believe God.

What I believe is one of the greatest deceptions is what men teach about MAL 3:  we will look at this.  In MAL 3:10 it states "Bring your whole tithe into the storehouse."  Men leave it there but the rest of the verse reads so that there may be food in my house.  Not money, but food, even though money was available.  God did not want money even though money could buy food.  He was very explicit in what He wanted.

Leaders say the "storehouse is the local church because people get fed there".  Firstly the storehouse in MAL3: was for distributing the food to the needy.  This whole area in MAL 3: is talking about the tithe of the third year as already discussed, and was brought there only in the third year.  It was a special storehouse used for that purpose, and was not taken there in the other two years, but was given to the tribe of Levi. 

The only other mention of storehouse in relation to God is DEUT 28:12 which says the storehouse is in heaven, not here.  The word storehouse is written into some translations in other scriptures, but is not in the original documents except where stated above, a religious term used for the local church building is "God's house" may I say again, the building is no longer God's house, we are.

We will now take a close look at MALACHI.

The men that advocate tithing quote MAL 3:8 and say these people are robbing God because they are not paying tithes or offerings.  In my opinion this is a gross lie and chapters 1 and 2 are never mentioned because the chapters, I believe, show it is a lie.  The book of Malachi must be read as a whole.

MAL 1:6 talks about the polluted offerings which obviously were being paid and 1:10 says that He (God) will not accept an offering from them, so they must have paid them for God to refuse them.  V13 says "Thus you bring your offering" so again they are paying them.  Chapter 2 talks about the Priests being corrupt, and 2:11 says adultery is committed by Judah by marrying a foreign god.  V12 says "they bring their offerings to the Lord of hosts". V13 "He (God) does not regard the offering anymore."  Again, they are paying them but God refuses them.  V14 says he dealt treacherously with his wife.  2:8 says they have left the law.  V11 they have committed adultery, have dealt treacherously with his wife.  This is why God cannot accept their tithes and offerings, not because they were not paying them.  3:3 if they are refined their offering will be in righteousness.  3:4 then the offering will be pleasant.  3:7 God says return to me and I will return to you.  At the end of V7 it says, "in what way shall we return?"  Then God answers this question and says, "Will a man rob God?"  which is in answer to the question before it.  Then the people say, "In what way have we robbed you?"  And God says, "In tithes and offerings."  The reason they robbed God was because God could not accept them as has already been stated earlier in this paper, not because they were not paying them.

Getting back to 3:10.  God says if they brought the tithe into the storehouse, "He (God) would pour out so much blessing they would not have room for it."  I have never met anyone who has been blessed like that from tithing.  I have met business men whose businesses were increasing, which is a natural thing if it is a good business.

There are also many businesses that have gone broke while they tithed, and as far as the ordinary working man is concerned, I have personally known many Christians who have tithed for years, and they have holes in their jeans and debts they cannot pay.  Some were about to lose their houses.  One man was about to walk off his sugar-cane farm as he couldn't pay the interest and the bank was in the process of possessing his farm.  I intervened, stopped them tithing, and it saved his farm.  He ended up selling it at a great profit 6 months later.  The people that were about to lose their houses were able to keep them, all because of the curse from being under law.  I believe GAL 3:10 had been lifted.

I have never known a Christian who had nothing, tithed on his wages, and became affluent according to MAL 3:10.  Nor have I known a Christian who had nothing and tithed and became even comfortable.  I have been told there is a Christian who did, but one or two odd people does not mean these men are right, quite the opposite.  It is quite obvious that God is not pouring out so much blessing that the tithers have not got enough room for it.  Do you understand how much that would be?

Is God a liar then?  In the light of MAL 3:10, heaven forbid.  Let every man be a liar, but let God be true.  I have heard it said, if you haven't got enough money to pay the bills, tithe and God will take care of them.  As far as I have seen this is not true, far from it.  It is just another way of squeezing the people to bring in more money with total disregard to the peoples wellbeing.

Jesus mentioned tithing in the N.T. but it was always when He was speaking to the Pharisees, who were under law, as in MATT 23:23, but the tithe was on produce from the ground, not money (read it.)

So where does that leave us?

·        That tithing is only on food.

·        That tithes were for people who had no property, ie, tribe of Levi, Levite Priests, orphans, widows, etc.  Remembering that today most ministers have their own properties.

·        That giving tithes to local churches is not scriptural.

·        That tithing by the Body of Christ is not scriptural.

·        That tithing by the people before it became law is not scriptural.

·        That the tithe was for feeding those in need.

·        That for the body of Christ it is not scriptural to tithe and is an abomination to Christ who came to set us free.



Gen 14:20  28:22  Gen 14:12               in the original Hebrew mentions food as being taken.  It never mentions gold or silver.

LEV 27:30-32                                      this is where the law of tithing for the people is instituted and it specifically states "from the land".

NUM 18:21  18:26-28                         both state it is for the Levites who have no land.

DEUT 14:28                                        tithe for the Levite, stranger, fatherless and widow to eat and be satisfied.

DEUT 12:6-12                                     Levite who have no land.

            12:17-18                                  Israelites to eat it as well.

            14:22-23  14:28                       Israelites and Levites who have no land to eat it each year.  26:12-13

            26:12-13                                  Give to the fatherless, stranger and widow.

2 CHRO 31:5-12                                 for Levites and Priests and from the land.

NEH 13:5                                            Levites and Priests, gatekeepers, singers and from the land.

         13:12                                          from the land.

         10:37-38                                     for Priests and Levites only from the land.

         12:44                                          required by law for Priests and Levites.


MAL 3:8-10                                        from the land.


MATT 23:23                                        agriculture.


LUKE 11:42                                        agriculture.


HEB 7:5-9                                           sons of Levi who receive the priesthood to collect tithes according to the law.

If you are under law where or to whom do you tithe - as there are no sons of Levi today and the sons of Levi are the only ones with the authority to take the tithe.

God wants us to care as He does for the stranger, fatherless and widow, in other words, the needy.

DEUT 14:23                                        the people are to eat the tithe of the grain, wine, oil and first thing of your herds and your flocks.

DEUT 16:28                                        your tithe to be shared with the Levite, fatherless and widow.

1 JOHN 3:17                                       whoever has this worlds goods and sees his brother in need and shuts up his heart from him, how does the love of God abide in him?

EPH 4:28                                             let him labour that he may have something to give him who has need.

2 COR 9:7-13                                      let each one give as he purposes in his heart, for God loves a cheerful giver (this giving is to the saints).

So you see, even tithing is quite complex, but it always goes to those in need, they did not build with them.

If you cannot believe God for your finance you are not linked to the source of your supply and provision and you need to do something about it.

For freedom to freedom Christ has set us free and let no man put you under the bondage of law again.  GAL 5:1 (from the original Greek).

I wish to say here, religious church ministers will not accept what I say, even though they will see it is all scriptural.  Remember, the Pharisees knew Christ was from God, but rejected Him because they didn't want their religious system altered.  Neither do religious ministers want you to stop tithing, even though they see it is not God's desire and it may put you under a curse.

I would also suggest to the reader that many people leave the local church and become lost because the tithing burden that religious ministers put on people is too great to carry.

How will these ministers stand before the judgment seat?

I have not tried to pussyfoot around in what I've written.  If the hat fits, wear it.

The only ones that may get offended, I would suggest, will be the religious ones.

To the rest of the Body of Christ I say, I hope and pray if you haven't seen the truth on tithing before, you are set free by reading these papers as you compare them with God's word.

May God bless you all and may His written word set you free from the law of men.

As for me and my house we will serve the Lord and follow His written word.  If this is not good enough for you, do as you wish.

The last thing I wish to mention - I praise God for the ministers that will not bend or compromise, but have set their sights on the Kingdom of God and are doing His will, may God bless these ministers and their ministries for they are like gold in a world that is falling away more and more.

If you find an odd thing here you don't agree with, at least look at the overall message that these papers contain.